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do sau filmon ki kahani

Read the boxes in sequence it will tell a story.

Interactive installation(The museum category of film screenplays)

It is related to the effective screenplays and will focus on just the golden eras of Pakistani cinema in which 200 hit films were made.

This category of alternate advertising is interactivity and is done in the book cafes open for the people who generate content. An interactivity which shows how the film are how the experience of a good film binds the viewer in its charisma.

“People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or an end any more. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning” Steven Spielberg

Concept:How effective a story telling is might include all of the elements necessary to engage an audience in it.

Placement: This interactivity will be placed in creative writing workshops or book cafes where people generate and read content.

Headline:200 Sau Filmon ki Kahaani. 

The puzzle solves and reveals Waheed Murad on the other side.

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