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The Film Museum

A project for the preservation of Pakistani cinema.

Statement of problem: The objective is to design a promotional campaign for a hypothetical film museum, which aims to evoke awareness and inspiration among the young and new film makers who are in the process of making new and better films.

The Concept


The advertising campaign for the film museum includes following suitable touchpoints on this concept. As the past is gone and it is a vanished in the eye of present people. Its reappearance is done through the advertising campaign which this museum holds on to. The promotional campaign of the film museum works on the concept of vanish and reappearance. Considering the big idea and headline i.e. Back to the classics, the campaign is designed as follows

1-Alternate advertising (Out Of Home advertising) -Installation


Artwork is rendered majorly in Adobe Photoshop. While showing all the iconic characters of our historic cinema. Art style is Inspired by our old local film posters. All through my work Guddu's collection has been my inspiration.

The major part of this installation is the camera shutter as it justifies my concept of reappearance and disappearing. The working of its mechanical wouldn't be possible without my dad.

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